Achieving sustainable agriculture: A global challenge 
The premise is simple: reduce agricultural inputs whilst maintaining and/or improving the rate of output. However, with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) predicting a potential 60% increase in the demand for food by 2050, coupled with estimations that agriculture is responsible for 24% of greenhouse gas emissions, achieving more sustainable agriculture represents a monumental challenge which cannot be underestimated. 
We’ve seen with the development in under 12 months of a Covid-19 vaccine how scientific research and product development coming together can provide a collaborative solution to a global crisis. 
Connecting research to enable product development, engaging stakeholders across the agricultural spectrum and providing accessible resources is key to the success in tackling the challenges we face in achieving more sustainable agriculture. 

Our Expertise 

Regenerative Agriculture 

Fighting the climate crisis with a system of farming principles and practices that enhance the productivity, sustainability and longevity of our global agro-ecosystems.  


Improving the productivity, sustainability and profitability of the agricultural sector through developments in technological innovation across all stages of the production process. 

Climate Change 

Tackling one of agriculture's biggest challenge through innovation and advancement in research and knowledge to achieve more 'climate-smart' agriculture. 

Food Security 

Ensuring the health of a rising global population through confronting key issues in food loss and waste, as well as improving the nutritional and nutraceutical value of key food crops for developing nations. 
The BDS Database 
BDS holds the only agricultural science database that allows users to curate their own collections and compilations drawn from in excess of 1500 ‘chapters’ written by internationally renowned experts working in industry and academia across crops, livestock and forestry. 

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